
Lemon Drip (3.5g)

per 1/8 oz
C4’s newest sativa strain to be added to the roster, Lemon Drip is not for the inexperienced. With a distinct energizing and instant head high, followed by a slow and steady ease of a body high, this sativa packs a citrus punch to your day and leaves you fairly relaxed toward the end. Do some research and you’ll find it to be classified as a hybrid of a lower testing THC profile. Not our Lemon Drip. C4 takes great pride in this sour diesel flower coming in at a balmy 27% average THC content. Though a great wake and back strain, users can enjoy any time of day, either way, just know you’re getting the cleanest Lemon Drip experience with C4’s Clean Green® cultivation standards. A higher standard, naturally.

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